Game for Girls’ Equality Campaign

Design by Belle Vo
Collaterals’ copy by Plan International Canada


The Game for Girls' Equality campaign embodies the collective commitment to fostering gender equality within the gaming community. Through the utilization of e-sport streaming, it strives to raise funds and awareness for organizations dedicated to championing girls' rights. This campaign aims to create a more inclusive and equitable world by providing girls with equal opportunities and amplifying their voices.

First Activation


Logo variants:


Supporting Illustrations
Social posts
Instagram story
Instagram post
Twitter post
Streaming overlay

Second Activation partner with U by Kotex®

Logo lockups

Mascot emote (Twitch & Discord)– GiGi the Goat


Landing page graphic
Stream overlay
Social posts
Email banner
Ad (Twitch)
Streaming assets
Break screens
Out-of-game screens
In-game – Scoreboard
Transition – Stinger
Next Project